Environmental Health
Please refer to the Environmental Health Plan
Registration of Food Premises
In order to maintain the regular standards of food handling, food premises are regularly assessed. This ensures that food prepared for the sale in the public is prepared in a hygienic manner and complies with the legislative requirements.
The Shire of Christmas Island’s Environmental Health Plan outlines the number of food premises inspections each year depending on the category the food premises belong into. Currently food premises labelled in the high risk category renders 3 inspections per year whilst those labelled as medium risk requires 2 inspections annually.
Food Surveillance Policy
Food Surveillance policies are contained within the Environmental Health Plan. As part of the plan the Shire has developed licensing, education, inspection and surveillance regimes with the objective of:
Developing improvement plans with operators and owners of food premises to achieve closer compliance with legislative requirements.
Inspecting itinerant Food Vendors vehicles prior to annual registration and as other opportunities arise.
Encouraging appropriate Food Handler Training within all food businesses.
Encouraging hygiene training within all food businesses.
Encouraging the development of Food Safety Plans, initially for High Risk Premises.
Developing and maintaining a routine food sampling and analysis program.
Collecting and submitting for analysis where warranted samples of food which are the subject of public complaint, and take appropriate follow up action.
Where food is considered to be unfit for consumption, issue a Food Condemnation Certificate and either seize or ensure proper disposal of food, as appropriate. (When such action is in response to a request by a proprietor in association with an insurance claim, a fee is charged.)
Assisting in Category 1 and 2 Food Recalls, as required by the Department of Health of Western Australia.
Home Catering
Home catering is in many ways treated the same as a food shop. Persons undertaking food preparation at home for on sale off the premises in the community are required to have there premises registered as a Food Premises. The Shire will not consider registering premises for home catering unless planning permission is first obtained and the premises is suitably constructed for the preparation of food.
Outdoor Events and Festivals
The Shire as a corporation and its community are actively involved in a number of events throughout the year; notably Territory Week, CI Marathon and Market Days. Special measures are necessary in addressing food hygiene and sanitation in such circumstances.
In recognising the Shire’s tradition of involvement in and promotion of major community events, to ensure that:
due consideration is given to community health and safety;
food preparation, handling and sale is undertaken with proper regard for hygiene principals;
adequate public and staff toilet facilities are provided;
waste disposal arrangements are adequate.
Persons wishing to sell food during fundraising events and markets must complete the Food Handlers Declaration, comply with the guidelines for outdoor food handlers and make application for Temporary Food Premises.
For more information, please contact the Building and Health Officer on telephone number (08) 9164 8300 ext 240 or email ron@shire.gov.cx.