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Public Notice 21/24

August 7, 2024

The Shire of Christmas Island would like to inform residents that Lily Beach carpark will be closed for approximately 4 weeks while it is being reconstructed. This project will see the carpark sealed as part of the ongoing Lily Beach Redevelopment Project that has seen a new shelter, BBQ’s, tables, fire pit and a new, accessible toilet that will be operational once the carpark is completed.

Access to the beach and facilities is still available, however vehicles will need to park near the Ethel Beach turnoff.

The Shire apologises for any inconvenience, but hopes the overall project to upgrade this very popular beach area can be appreciated by all.

Any further enquiries please contact the Director of Works, Services and Waste, Mr Troy Davis by email: or on 9164 8300 (ext. 230) or Mob: 0439 215 306.




Shire Pulau Krismas mengumumkan bahawa tempat parking kereta Lily Beach akan ditutup selama kira-kira 4 minggu semasa ia sedang dibina semula. Projek ini akan menyaksikan tempat parking kereta dimeterai sebagai sebahagian daripada Projek Pembangunan Semula Lily Beach yang sedang berjalan yang telah menyaksikan tempat perlindungan baharu, BBQ, meja, lubang api dan tandas baharu yang boleh diakses yang akan beroperasi sebaik sahaja tempat parking kereta siap.

Akses ke pantai dan kemudahan masih tersedia, walau bagaimanapun kenderaan-kenderaan perlu parking berdekatan dengan laluan masuk Ethel Beach.

Pihak Shire memohon maaf atas sebarang kesulitan, tetapi berharap keseluruhan projek untuk menaik taraf kawasan pantai yang sangat popular ini dapat dihargai oleh semua.

Untuk sebarang pertanyaan lanjut sila hubungi Pengarah Pekerjaan, Perkhidmatan dan Pembuangan, Encik Troy Davis melalui e-mel: atau di talifon 9164 8300 (samb. 230) atau Mob: 0439 215 306.

David Price

Chief Executive Officer

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