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Public Notice 18/24

July 2, 2024

The Shire of Christmas Island wishes to advise that the above activity will be conducted on Sunday 14th July 2024 from 7:00am – 11:00am along a route from the Christmas Island Casino Resort to the Cove

This event will be conducted on the following roads:

  • Golf Course      Road to Gaze Road

  • Gaze Road to      Roundabout

  • Roundabout to      Jalan Pantai

  • Jalan Pantai to      the Cove (Marine Building)

Drivers are requested to observe any signage, temporary speed restrictions and any directions from Event Officials and vehicles.

Temporary travel delays may be experienced. Drivers are requested to slow down and take particular care passing runners and walkers. Please assist in providing a safe environment for the Casino to Cove Fun Run participants.

For further information please contact the Manager of Recreation Services Mr Oliver Lines on 9164 8300 ext 233.



· 高尔夫球场路至Gaze路

· Gaze路至环岛处

· 环岛处至Jalan Pantai

· Jalan Pantai至海湾(海事大楼)


该活动可能会造成暂时的行程延误。请驾车者减速行驶,并特别注意过往的跑步者和步行者。请协助我们为Casino to Cove Fun Run的参与者们提供一个安全的环境。

欲了解更多信息,请致电9164 8300转233与娱乐服务经理Oliver Lines先生联系。

Shire Pulau Krismas ingin menasihatkan bahawa aktiviti di atas akan dijalankan pada hari Ahad 14 Julai 2024 dari 7:00 pagi - 11:00 pagi di sepanjang laluan dari Kasino Resort Pulau Krismas ke pantai Cove.

Acara ini akan dijalankan di jalan-jalan berikut:

  • Golf Course      Road ke Gaze Road

  • Gaze Road ke      Roundabout

  • Roundabout ke      Jalan Pantai

  • Jalan Pantai ke      pantai Cove (Bangunan Marine)

Pemandu-pemandu diminta untuk mematuhi sebarang papan tanda, sekatan kelajuan sementara dan sebarang arahan daripada Pegawai Acara dan kenderaan.

Kelewatan perjalanan sementara mungkin dialami. Pemandu diminta memperlahankan kenderaan dan berhati-hati dengan pelari dan pejalan kaki yang melepasi. Sila bantu dalam menyediakan persekitaran yang selamat untuk peserta Casino to Cove Fun Run.

Untuk maklumat lanjut sila hubungi Pengurus Perkhidmatan Rekreasi Encik Oliver Lines di 9164 8300 sambungan 233.

Troy Davis

Acting Chief Executive Officer

©2024 by Shire of Christmas Island

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