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Public Notice 09/24

February 15, 2024

After discussions with IOTA, the Shire of Christmas Island would like to inform residents that the Smith Point Trail will be closed indefinitely due to safety concerns. The Shire apologises for any inconvenience.

Any further enquiries please contact the Director of Works, Services and Waste, Mr Troy Davis by email: or on 9164 8300 (ext. 230) or Mob: 0439 215 306.


如有任何进一步查询,请通过电子邮件联系工程、服务和废物处理总监Troy Davis先生 或拨打9164 8300(分机230)或手机:0439 215 306。

Setelah perbincangan bersama IOTA, Shire Pulau Krismas ingin memaklumkan kepada masyarakat bahawa Jalan Smith Point akan ditutup selama-lamanya kerana kebimbangan keselamatan. Shire memohon maaf atas sebarang kesulitan.

Untuk sebarang pertanyaan lanjut sila hubungi Pengarah Kerja Raya, Perkhidmatan dan Pembuangan, Encik Troy Davis melalui e-mel: atau di 9164 8300 (ext. 230) atau Mob: 0439 215 306.

David Price

Chief Executive Officer

©2024 by Shire of Christmas Island

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