Waste Services
Servicing the Community
Tip Site
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 7.30am - 11am & 12 noon - 4pm
Sunday: 3pm - 5pm
Please allow enough time to arrive, unload and leave between the opening hours.
The tip is closed on Saturdays and Public Holidays.
Please be aware that:
Unauthorised access to the tip is not permitted;
Private household waste will be accepted from residents free of charge.
Commercial and industrial waste and waste cleared from residential properties by contractors attracts fees and charges.
Entry fees are reviewed annually.
Asbestos waste, Biomedical and Quarantine waste have special transportation and burial requirements. Fees must be paid and delivery time set prior to delivery to tip site.
Liquid wastes and chemicals are not accepted at the site.
Waste delivered to the tip site should be segregated and deposited in the appropriately designated areas at the tip site.
Materials should not be taken out of the tip without approval (see Approval to Scavenge Form).
Waste Collection Services
The Shire offers a range of Waste collection services both to residents and to commercial premises. Other services include green waste skip bins in various locations around the residential parts of the island. Domestic garbage is collected twice weekly.
Grease Trap Cleaning
A grease trap cleaning service is provided once weekly to commercial premises. Service charges vary dependant upon the size and type of grease arrestor fitted.
Waste Minimisation
At present the Shire does not operate waste minimisation and recycling strategies. The development of effective strategies will require community participation and cooperation and island residents are encouraged to start considering how they may individually contribute towards waste reduction within their own households.
For further information contact the Building and Health Officer on mobile number 0407 977 253 or email ron@shire.gov.cx.